Contact Details:

Springwell Road 

Springwell Village 


Tyne & Wear 

NE9 7RY 



As Christians, we believe in the power of prayer.

We ask God to work in situations whether it concerns family, friends, people near or far with personal issues or those affected by natural disasters or political situations.  

We find that by offering up to Him in prayer things that trouble us, we can often feel a new sense of peace about a situation.  

We also like to give thanks for the good things in life.

Prayer, however does not always come easy.

Can we help?
Group prayer takes place regularly within our Tuesday Fellowship meetings. Should you have the need, the group members will be happy to include your prayer. Please either  type out your prayer in the form below.

No-one will email you unless it is your wish, but please enter a name or initials that the Prayer Group can use. The name or initials can made-up should you prefer to keep your privacy. God  knows the real you and will understand!

Please enter your prayer in the area below
and click "Send form"


Name or initials

email address

"And I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them"

Good News Bible - Matthew 18 : 19-20