Whoever you are or wherever you may be - a big welcome to the "w.w.w. home" of -
SPRINGWELL VILLAGE METHODIST CHURCHOur Christian Church family is made up of people from all walks of life who are drawn together by a common faith. Please feel free to find out more about us on this site and if you live or are visiting the North-East of England (near the Angel of the North or Bowes Museum), we will be delighted to see you at any of our Church Services or events. ***** Church Services 9 Feb at 10.30 am - Rev Judith Oldroyd 16 " at 3.00 pm - Rev Matt Sheard (All Age Service see * below) 23 " at 10.30 am - Andrew Thompson Bede Circuit Zoom: Morning Prayers: Every Wednesday at 10 am.
Please contact contact the Bede Circuit office for log in details. Church News and Events Church Lunch: The next monthly lunch is on Wednesday, 5 Feb. at 12.30 pm Coffee Morning - Saturday, 8 February 11 am until 12.30 pm. This is our annual meeting to discuss and arrange dates for fundraising events up to and including February 2026. Coffee and biscuits will be served. Please come along. New ides are always welcome! It is vital that money is continued to be raised to cover the ever increasing costs of keeping the fabric of our church in good condition as well as making it a safe, warm and welcoming space for all. Church Council Meeting: This will be held on Wednesday, 12 Feb at 11 am. Please let Rev Matt or Peter Beal have your apologies if you are unable to attend. Please also let Rev Matt or Peter know by Monday, 10 February of any items to be included in "Any Other Business", * 3 pm Service on Sunday 16 Feb - led by Rev Matt, this will be a special all-age service to which children, their parents and staff of Springwell Village Primary School will be invited. This service is for the whole church family so, bring along your children, grandchildren, family and friends. Fellowship and Bible Study: Every Tuesday from 10.30 am to 12 noon in the Social Room for tea and biscuits, sharing news, prayer, bible reading and discussion. Everyone is very welcome. 11 February - Luke 4: 1 - 4 More than bread Prayer Requests: If you would value prayer over any matter at all, in our Prayer Corner in the Social Room there are pens and slips of paper on which you can write your request, and a box where you can post it. It can be anonymous if you wish. On the following Tuesdays, the Fellowship group will pray according to your request. Spread the word about this! We have had several requests! Will you please let us know if you notice an answer to prayer, so we can all give thanks. Knit & Natter: This social group normally meets each Thursday - 10 am until 12 noon in the Social room and is back after the extended break. Everyone is very welcome - old or young, church member or not, faith or no faith - whether you are an experienced crafter or a complete beginner. Pass on your skills or learn new ones, Knit/crochet/sew items for charity - or maybe bring along your own project. Just come along and enjoy a cuppa, biscuits and natter - there is loads of that!. Click here for more information. Open Door: Copies of our February 2025 newsletter are available in Church. Please leave your details here if you wish to receive the Newsletter by email into your personal inbox. It can also be read online by clicking here. Items for inclusion in future issues of Open Door are always welcome - please see Sheila P. Pastoral Needs: Please contact Rev Matt (phone 4312572) or your appointed Pastoral Visitor. We now have fewer Pastoral Visitors so if you think you could fulfil this role, please have a chat with Pat W. who can let you know what is involved.
Washington Community Food Project (WCFP) - Anyone out of work, working less hours or for ANY reason find themselves in difficulty or crisis, is urged to contact WCFP who can support and help both individuals and families (in many ways without referral).
The Food Bank is based in unit 0 upstairs in The Galleries where they are open for referrals and donations, etc Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 12 noon - 3pm. Regular donation points remain at Sainsbury's and Sainsbury's Teal Farm.
For Springwell Village, there is a collection box at the back of our Church with regular deliveries to WCFP. Donations always gratefully received. Donations can also be dropped off at any of their many drop offs - see above and their Facebook page. Examples of items always needed are:-
Dried potato (Smash), UHT Milk, tins of vegetables and rice pudding. They always welcome tinned ham/corned beef/mince, dried spaghetti, cereals and pasta sauces plus the staples - tea and instant coffee. They would also appreciate donations of baby food, wipes and nappies. They also accept pet food.
Supplies of toiletries and sanitary products are always appreciated.
As demand is increasing more than ever in these difficult times, it is vital that donations continue. They are very much appreciated by those people who find themselves in desperate circumstances. People needing help, can ask the Job Centre, their landlord, such as Gentoo, their health or social worker, some churches etc, who can make about a referral if they are in need.
The Food Bank doesn't deal with any self referrals or people who turn up on spec without going to a referral agency first." More details including the opening times are on the website: www.wcfp.org.uk also up to date news etc on Facebook:- www.facebook.com/pagesWashington-Community-Food-Project